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A Toxics-Free Future



24 October 2022 —  Webinar: Are Your Children's Toys Hazardous Waste

An IPEN study found highly toxic chlorinated paraffins in toys from 10 countries. According to recent studies, current levels of exposure to chlorinated paraffins may already be associated with adverse effects on human health. In this webinar, co-authors of the study IPEN Science Advisor Therese Karlsson, Ph.D. and IPEN Co-chair/Director of Alaska Community Action on Toxics Pamela Miller discuss the findings. Read the study here.


25 May 2022 — Revealing Chemicals in Food Contact Materials, Health Threats, and Global Policy Opportunities

Co-organized with Food Packaging Forum and the Biomonitoring Resource Center, this webinar will provide public access to the latest science on toxics in plastic food containers and overview of global policy regulations and opportunities to address chemicals of concern.

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21 April 2022 — IPEN Views on BRS COP: POPs in Waste Issues

IPEN supports strong limits to protect human health and the environment, while some parties support the weakest limits based on ‘economic considerations’ to protect industry profits in the plastic, recycling, and waste incineration sectors. Unfortunately, the current approach to setting limits neglects the serious harm to human health and socioeconomic costs that can arise from recycling wastes that contain POPs, and from waste exports to developing countries and countries with economies in transition.

For this webinar, IPEN invited representatives of governments and delegates to the upcoming Basel-Rotterdam-Stockholm (BRS) Conference of the Parties, as well as the public, to learn why such strong limits are important and how we reached our recommendations.

Click here for video in all available languages

22 March 2022 - How Plastics Poison the Circular Economy

New IPEN reports reveal significant obstacles for countries seeking to implement safe plastic circular economies, and handle large volumes of diverse plastics waste streams safely. As a result, known toxic chemicals are blindly allowed into plastic products and expose vulnerable populations including children and women. Furthermore, toxic chemicals that have been banned in other regions or under international chemicals conventions, continue to be used or recycled from old waste into new consumer products, resulting in risks that are impossible to quantify, and further fueling the supply of non-circular hazardous plastic waste globally. Better public policies are necessary to end the recycling of hazardous chemicals in plastics in a poisoned version of the circular economy, and to hold plastic producers financially liable for any harm caused through the life cycle of plastics.

Click here for the video in Arabic, Chinese, or Spanish. Check back for : French, Russian, and Bahasa Indonesia.

2 March 2022 — Exporting Plastic Fuels: What Happens After a Waste Export Ban

While Australia's "world first" waste export ban decision received international acclaim, closer scrutiny reveals that in fact, Australia is gearing up — with significant government funds and policies — to continue exporting its waste in a new “reprocessed” format. One result: Refuse Derived Fuels (RDF) are bales or pellets of mixed waste containing significant quantities of non-recyclable plastic, to be burned in cement kilns or other industrial furnaces, both in Australia and overseas, and specifically, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines. Burning plastic waste undermines regional and global goals for action on climate change.

Stay tuned for recordings of the webinar in English, French, and Bahasa Indonesia. Click here for video in all available languages

13 January 2022 — Women Leadership, Chemical Safety, and the SDGs

Women are affected differently by chemicals, with exposures risks and impacts being different between the sexes. Yet too often men at all levels are making decisions, despite the key roles that women play in the health, life, and economy of families and communities. This webinar will address the intersection between gender and chemicals management, its vital importance for reaching the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, and recent contributions by UNEP and IPEN in this regard. It will feature both international as well as local efforts to mainstream gender and chemical issues. See also our joint report and our Women and Chemicals training series.

Click here for video in all available languages

24 Nov 2021 — Nanotechnologies in Latin America

The IPEN office in Latin America and the Caribbean hosted a webinar on nanotechnologies in Latin America, with the participation of experts from the Network of Nanotechnology and Society (ReLans). ReLAns is an IPEN member and offered an introduction to the subject with examples of the expansion of the production and use of nanotechnologies in Mexico, Colombia, and Argentina, the effects on health and the environment, and the scant international regulation.

Click here for the video in Spanish or Portuguese

10 Nov 2021 — Human Health Threats from Chemicals in Plastics

Our most recent webinar, "Human Health Threats from Chemicals in Plastics,” highlighted the important and alarming findings of the report Plastics, EDCs, & Health by the Endocrine Society and IPEN, which presents a summary of years of research and hundreds of peer-reviewed studies about the alarming health effects of EDCs in plastics.

Click here for video in all available languages

27 Oct 2021 — Global Phase-out of Lead Paints

We hosted a webinar October 27, "Catalyzing the Global Phase-Out of Lead Paints,” that discussed how listing lead pigments in the Rotterdam Convention will advance global lead paint elimination; help countries adopt and enforce lead paint control regulations; and make exporting countries assume major responsibilities for the control of lead pigments and the lead paints that contain them.

Click here for video in all available languages

20 Oct 2021 — Toxic Plastic Recycling: Toxic chemicals recycled into new plastic toys sold in Africas

Africa is seeing a new chemical threat from recycled plastics. The webinar "Toxic Plastic Recycling: Toxic chemicals recycled into new plastic toys sold in Africa” tells the story of how toxic chemicals are entering African markets not only through industry but in recycled plastics used in products in everyday settings, by families and children.

Click here for video in all available languages

30 Sept 2021 — Why Microplastics are Not the Whole Story

Microplastics have become a hot topic. But less know is the toxic chemicals these microplastics contain. This webinar lays out the background and arguments for why plastics need to be reduced and rethought.

Click here for video in all available languages

8 Sept 2021 — Canada's Toxic Plastic Label: What it is and what is means for the world

Did you know that more than 80% of "recycled" plastics go into landfills? We can do a better. Labeling plastics is one step toward a smarter approach. But there are some pitfalls. This webinar discusses the problems, the regulatory issues, and the proposed solutions necessary to reduce plastic use and reach a more sustainable version of a "circular economy" than is currently being promulgated by plastic producers and the waste industry, who think incineration — with all its toxic side-effects — as an energy source is a solution.

Click here for video in all available languages

20 July 2021 — Count Down: Toxic chemicals in plastics threaten human fertility

Drs. Shanna Swan and Pete Myers discuss the threat that toxic chemicals are having on human fertility and disease, and the far reaching consequences that will arise if the problems are not addressed.

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