50 IPEN Member Groups from 40 Countries Join International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week’s Call to “Say No to Lead Poisoning”
Thursday, 20 October 2022
IPEN and 50 of its member groups from 40 countries will join the Global Alliance to Eliminate Lead Paint, a joint program of WHO and UNEP, for International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week (ILPPW) this October 23-29, emphasizing the urgent need to protect children’s health through global action to eliminate the use of lead paint. IPEN is a founding member of the Alliance and a member of its Advisory Board.
The 10th Annual International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week (ILPPW) is October 23-29, 2022.
About 50 participating organizations of the International Pollutants Elimination Network (IPEN) from over 40 countries are taking part in the ILPPW. See their activities here.
IPEN POs Step Up Campaign for Global Phase-Out of Lead Paints in time for the 9th International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week
Thursday, 21 October 2021
Forty-eight IPEN Participating Organizations (POs) from 35 countries will take part in the upcoming International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week (ILPPW) on 24-30 October 2021. With the theme “Working Together for a World Without Lead Paint,” various activities will be carried out to emphasize the need to accelerate progress toward the global phase-out of lead-containing paints through regulatory and legal measures. Additionally, IPEN will organize a webinar on “Catalyzing the Global Phase-Out of Lead Paints,” which will discuss how listing lead pigments in the Rotterdam Convention will advance global lead paint elimination; help countries adopt and enforce lead paint control regulations; and make exporting countries assume major responsibilities for the control of lead pigments and the lead paints that contain them.
Now on its ninth year, the week of action aims to raise awareness about the health effects of lead exposure; highlight the efforts of countries and partners to prevent lead exposure, particularly in children; and to urge further action to eliminate lead paint through regulatory action at country level. The ILPPW, which counts on the participation of IPEN and many of its POs from low- and middle- income countries, is an initiative of the Global Alliance to Eliminate Lead Paint, which is jointly led by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Health Organization (WHO).
Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, 41 IPEN participating organizations (POs) from 36 countries participated in the 8th edition of the International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week on October 25 to 31, 2020. Civil society groups conducted activities, including policy meetings, public information dissemination and media outreach, to push for the adoption and/or enforcement of strong lead paint laws.
The International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week of Action is an annual event held every fourth week of October to raise awareness about the hazards of lead and lead paint. In 2017, events to mark the week were held in at least 44 countries. Forty-one events were organized by IPEN NGOs in 37 countries.
Read IPEN’s newsletter about the 2017 Week of Action to see the activities around the world.
International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week of Action is an annual event held each year to raise awareness of the hazards of lead and lead paint, in particular. In October 2016, events to mark the week were held in at least 42 countries. Thirty-three of these events were organized by IPEN NGOs. Read IPEN's newsletter about the 2016 Week to see what took place around the world.